Prek and Kingergarten Roundup Registration Event for the 2025-2026 School Year ! Please bring your child, current shot record, insurance card, proof of address, and copy of current physical and eye exam if completed. This event will be held at Burdine Elementary!

We had so much fun celebrating the 100th Day of School Monday!
Click the link to see more pictures from the day!

Due to high water in some areas, Jenkins Independent Schools will operate on a 1-hour delay tomorrow. This delay will allow our bus drivers to transport students safely in daylight, helping to avoid any potential high water or debris.
As always, safety is our top priority. We appreciate your understanding

Tomorrow JIS will wear pink for Shelby! #pinkforShelby

After checking road conditions, Jenkins Independent Schools will be operating on a 1-hour delay tomorrow.

There will be weightlifting this evening from 6:00-8:00 for those that can attend. Attendance is not mandatory.

There will be no Pee Wee practice today due to inclement weather.

Due to inclement weather and for the safety of our students and staff, Jenkins Independent Schools will be closed today.

February Menu for JMHS

Just a reminder tomorrow is the 100th Day of School!

This week's Pee Wee practice schedule is a little different, so that teams can get practices in at JMHS. Please not the changes and join the Pee Wee Group Facebook to get all the latest updates.
**both of Austin's practices will be at JMHS this week

February Lunch Menu for Burdine

Check out February's Book of the Month in the Book Box outside of Burdine Elementary. Thank you to our Save the Children programs for providing the books for our students and families.

Notes went home today about Pee Wee Basketball. ALL ball practices start tomorrow.
Pee Wee Cheer practice will be tonight at Burdine at 5:30.
If you are playing Pee Wee Basketball please join the Facebook page Jenkins 2025 PeeWee Basketball.

Our school app has recently been updated for simpler navigation! Watch this video to see what to expect! If you are not currently signed up with Rooms to communicate with your child's teacher(s), ask us how you can get connected!

Small but mighty- Jenkins Elementary Academic Team!!
3rd place Quick Recall
Going to Region for Written: Xaiden Sturgill 3rd Language Arts, Jameson Hayes 5th Science, and Ian Hall 1st place Social Studies!!!!!
***District Champ in Social Studies- Ian Hall***
Congratulations Cavs!

Lunch Menu Feb. 3rd-7th

Over the break we made a few new improvements at Burdine!
Thank you community member and parent Ashley Gibbs for volunteering your time and talents to brighten up our student bathrooms. It looks great and was a nice welcome back surprise.

Valentine's Day Dance at Burdine February 7th

February Event Calendar for Burdine! Paper copies are going home today, but there is an error on Read Across America week. Wednesday, February 26th will be Super Hero Day.
Here are some other reminders and updates:
ESS will be every Tuesday and Wednesday this semester afterschool until 5:00
Saturday, February 1st is the Elementary Academic District Tournament @ Dorton-We wish our academic team the best of luck!
Pee Wee Cheer and Basketball forms also went home today. Return these by Friday, January 31st. A practice and game schedule will be shared next week.